Friday, October 2, 2009

Be Creative

There isn't just one way of doing things; be creative.

Many students seem to think that studying involves books, books and more books (and a little help from lecturers/teachers)

Why do we confine ourselves to just studying in this manner?

I was browsing through Facebook and found this link "NAruhodo Factor".

Studying can be done in countless manner. Through experience, through the internet, through YouTube, through manga/comics, and through open debates and group study.

The purpose of this post is to get my fellow friends to see that Naruhodo factor that effects us all.
Each person has their own unique studying style. Don't try to imitate other people's style. Discover your own style and be creative when studying.

The environment you study in also plays an important role in stimulating your concentration.
(But if music helps you concentrate please take care not to blast music too loud and disrupt your neighbours concentration). Some find studying at Cafe's or library or parks to be more enjoyable rather than your own room. (Like me I prefer cafe :D)

I recommend you read books on our mind to better understand yourself. What better way to enhance your capabilities than to get to know yourself.
Outliers and other Malcolm Gladwell books are a real mind-opener and gets you thinking about things you never thought of. Its heavy reading and I suggest you read it a couple of times to actually gauge the information the author tries to convey (I read it once and still am confuse.)

Last but not least, all the best to all MMU-ians for the finals!



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